Grow where you are.

Whether you are getting back out there, rebuilding after infidelity, or exploring new corners of intimacy in your relationship, you’re growing.

Wherever you are, you’re growing

Photograph of road divided by single yellow line, running through a forest of multi-colored trees.

Some love challenges you to look at your own insecurities, and some love challenges you to let down your guard. But most of the time love isn’t enough. You have to try really hard to do things you’ve never done before so your relationship can continue to fulfill you over time. Sex and relationship counseling can support you and your loved ones while you develop new tools to pursue your best relationship.

Two lovers on a public bench sharing an intimate moment, hidden behind a map.

How can your love grow?

Dating and intimacy can be challenging areas to navigate alone. Having a nonjudgmental third party, like a counselor, can help you and your companion communicate more effectively. Therapy can help you and your loved one to build a shared vision for your relationship that centers your wants and needs. Effective communication leads to improved intimacy and satisfaction in the relationship.

Sex and Relationship Counseling

Our partnered relationships are often the most important in our lives and yet we are directly taught so little about how to have a good one. Topics like sex, money, and conflict often stress our partnerships, but so few of us have the skills to make those conversations effective and meaningful.

Sex and relationship counseling provides a space for you to learn those skills. Whether you’re attending solo or with your companion, Nicole will create a space for you to work towards your most fulfilling, healthy relationships.

Meet our counselor and see if it’s a good fit for you.

No pressure. No judgement.

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